An AMSOIL EABP-110C on a 2012 Honda CR-V
Pump system advantages:
1. Easy Bypass filter installation on
any engine with a drain plug.
2. Engine oil filtration can continue
after the vehicle is turned off.
3. Non-pressurized operation.
4. Loop oil circulation is
independent of the engine's
integrated oil system.
5. Easy oil drains... flick the switch!
Optional: Engine-off Filtration... polish your motor oil before and after engine shutdown.
(in development, available now!)

The MG204 is a great choice for more difficult Bypass Filter installations. It allows connection to an oil supply without tapping into an often difficult-to-access pressurized oil port.
Typical oil supply for an AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filter System is an existing oil port or by using a brass "T" to add the oil supply line at an engine's oil pressure sensor mount location.
Use of a brass "T" is often impossible.
Introducing: The Pump!.
In Stock!

The Economics of it all :
AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filters are
2-micron secondary oil filters
designed specifically to
eliminate engine wear.
Click a filter
to view the AMSOIL Product Line
An AMSOIL Bypass Oil Filter can remain in service for up to 2 years.
The EABP-110, for example, can last over 40,000 miles.
At Preferred Customer prices... the cost is about $20 per year or
as low as 1/10 of one cent per mile ($.001 to .002).
Engine wear alone can be roughly calculated
at 1 to 2 cents per mile, or more. ($.01 to .02+)

Why By-pass Filtration?
The majority of engine wear comes from particles 3 to 15 microns in diameter.
A typical full-flow oil filter is industry rated at about 15 to 20 microns (nominal).
By design... they cannot efficiently capture the smaller, wear-causing
particles that have been proven to damage a motor.
By contrast: the AMSOIL By-pass Oil Filter
is rated at 2 microns (absolute).
It is designed and manufactured specifically to
capture and retain particles above 2 microns
and greatly extend the life of an engine...
( enhancing a vehicle's resale value as well! )

1 quart to 4 quart

You have a choice.
Dirty Oil & frequent oil changes resulting in marginal, time-consuming engine "care"
Analytically Clean Oil, extended oil change intervals, and the best engine protection available.

Preventative Maintenance
Roll on and on !
Changing your oil is such a drag... and does little to address the root cause of engine wear: invasive, wear-causing particles. Whether it be dirt or metal or a soot generated particle... every engine is susceptible to these tiny little gremlins. A secondary oil filtration system is one answer to eliminating wear-causing contaminants... and can result in full-time
analytically clean oil.
A second, ultra-efficient oil filter and the
right synthetic oil can extend oil drain
intervals well beyond your expectations...
and guarantee you top-tier,
24-hr engine protection.
All day, every day, and all year long...
and even: year after year!
(Most users opt for once-a-year oil & filter
change intervals.)

AMSOIL Warranty
You can be confident that using AMSOIL synthetic lubricants or practicing extended
drain intervals does not void
your new vehicle or equipment
manufacturer’s warranty.
In addition, all AMSOIL lubricants and filters
are covered by the AMSOIL Limited Warranty.
This statement is from the AMSOIL Website.
If someone tells you otherwise...

Protect your investment
Vehicle Customization
It just gets better...

Call or text us anytime at
and leave a message
Engine manufacturers love to put tiny oil
filters on their shiny new cars.
They have no vested interest in an engine's longevity... other than to see it to the end of
the warranty period. An AMSOIL Bypass Oil
Filter System can be considered 10x to 20x
better than any stock oil filter found
on any new vehicle.
It's your choice.
Personal contact information will only be used to provide requested information or assistance. You will not be enrolled in advertising or marketing programs and your information will not be shared or sold.
Temporary working pump system on our 2012 CR-V
Pump availability date:
In Stock